The 4th Week In SLIIT Academy.

The 4th Week In SLIIT Academy.

December 13 - 17, 2021

             In 4th lecture of Essential Communication Skills we learnt basics of communication skills. Elements of personal communication, Barriers to effective communication, Types of body language, The voice in delivery were learnt. Finally behalf of the 5th lecture Ms. Ishara gave us a holiday and that is the last day of ECS lectures in 2021 but she took extra time and instructed us to make a movie review. Then she put the class in to groups and told to make a movie review as a group work and present it in the class. 

             On Wednesday morning lecture was Programming Concepts  . The lesson was Introduction to Pseudo code - III. There we learnt another repetition control structure; FOR Loop. Then we learnt what is the different among WHILE, REPEAT... UNTIL and FOR loops. 

              In the evening lecture, Mathematics for Computing we got to know how to convert Hexadecimal to Decimal , Hexadecimal to Binary and Binary to Hexadecimal. After then we had to face a quiz from this subject.

             The next day was started with  Windows Application Development C#  lecture. Mr. Anuruddha instructed us add event controls to Windows Form Application. We started with designing a message box and we did some codings too. Then we learnt how to transfer data one form to another. 

             In the DDC lecture we were able to learn how to work with DDL and DML Commands( ALTER TABLE , DROP TABLE , TRUNCATE TABLE , UPDATE and DELETE.)  and understood the concept of aggregate functions( MIN , MAX , AVG , SUM & ROUND). After the lecture we had our 1st quiz from DDC.

